.. currentmodule:: pyam.iiasa Databases hosted by IIASA ========================= The |pyam| package allows to directly query the scenario databases hosted by the IIASA Energy, Climate and Environment program (ECE), commonly known as the *Scenario Explorer* infrastructure. It is developed and maintained by the ECE `Scenario Services and Scientific Software team`_. .. _`Scenario Services and Scientific Software team` : https://software.ece.iiasa.ac.at You do not have to provide username/password credentials to connect to any public database instance using |pyam|. However, to connect to project-internal databases, you have to create an account at the IIASA-ECE *Manager Service* (https://manager.ece.iiasa.ac.at). Please contact the respective project coordinator for permission to access a project-internal database. To store the credentials on your machine so that |pyam| can use it to query a database, we depend on the Python package |ixmp4|. You only have to do this once (unless you change your password). The credentials will be valid for connecting to *Scenario Apps* based on |ixmp4| as well as for (legacy) *Scenario Explorer* database backends (see below). In a console, run the following: .. code-block:: console ixmp4 login You will be prompted to enter your password. .. warning:: Your username and password will be saved locally in plain-text for future use! *Scenario Apps* instances ------------------------- The *Scenario Apps* use the |ixmp4| package as a database backend. You can list all available ixmp4 platforms hosted by IIASA using the following function: .. autofunction:: platforms *Scenario Explorer* instances (legacy service) ---------------------------------------------- The *Scenario Explorer* infrastructure developed by the Scenario Services and Scientific Software team was developed and used for projects from 2018 until 2023. See `this tutorial <../tutorials/iiasa.html>`_ for more information. .. autoclass:: Connection :members: .. autofunction:: read_iiasa :noindex: .. autofunction:: lazy_read_iiasa :noindex: