.. currentmodule:: pyam Data resources integration ========================== Connecting to an IIASA database instance ---------------------------------------- IIASA's ixmp Scenario Explorer infrastructure implements a RestAPI to directly query the database server connected to an explorer instance. See https://docs.ece.iiasa.ac.at/ for more information. The |pyam| package uses this interface to read timeseries data as well as categorization and quantitative meta indicators. The data is returned as an :class:`IamDataFrame`. See `this tutorial <../tutorials/iiasa.html>`_ for more information. .. autofunction:: read_iiasa .. autofunction:: lazy_read_iiasa Reading from an |ixmp4| platform -------------------------------- The |pyam| package provides a simple interface to read timeseries data and meta indicators from local or remote |ixmp4| platform instancs. .. autofunction:: read_ixmp4 Reading UNFCCC inventory data ----------------------------- The package :class:`unfccc-di-api` (`read the docs `_) provides an interface to the UNFCCC Data Inventory API (`link `_). The |pyam| package uses this package to query inventory data and return the timeseries data directly as an :class:`IamDataFrame`. .. autofunction:: read_unfccc Connecting to World Bank data resources --------------------------------------- The package :class:`pandas-datareader` (`read the docs `_) implements a number of connections to publicly accessible data resources, e.g., the `World Bank Open Data Catalog `_. |pyam| provides a simple utility function to cast the queried timeseries data directly as an :class:`IamDataFrame`. .. autofunction:: read_worldbank