Input/output file formats

DataFrames and xlsx/csv files

A pandas.DataFrame or a path to an xlsx or csv with data in the required structure (i.e., index/columns) can be imported directly by initializing an IamDataFrame - see this tutorial for more information.

Exporting to these formats is implemented via the following functions:


Return object as a pandas.DataFrame

meta_colslist, default None

join data with all meta columns if True (default) or only with columns in list, or return copy of data if False

IamDataFrame.to_excel(excel_writer, sheet_name='data', iamc_index=False, include_meta=True, **kwargs)[source]

Write object to an Excel spreadsheet

excel_writerpath-like, file-like, or ExcelWriter object

File path as string or pathlib.Path, or existing pandas.ExcelWriter.


Name of sheet which will contain IamDataFrame.timeseries() data.

iamc_indexbool, optional

If True, use [‘model’, ‘scenario’, ‘region’, ‘variable’, ‘unit’]; else, use all dimensions. See IamDataFrame.timeseries() for details.

include_metaboolean or string, optional

If True, write IamDataFrame.meta to a sheet ‘meta’ (default); if this is a string, use it as sheet name.


Passed to pandas.ExcelWriter (if excel_writer is path-like)

IamDataFrame.to_csv(path=None, iamc_index=False, **kwargs)[source]

Write IamDataFrame.timeseries() to a comma-separated values (csv) file

pathstr, path or file-like, optional

File path as string or pathlib.Path, or file-like object. If None, the result is returned as a csv-formatted string. See pandas.DataFrame.to_csv() for details.

iamc_indexbool, optional

If True, use [‘model’, ‘scenario’, ‘region’, ‘variable’, ‘unit’]; else, use all dimensions. See IamDataFrame.timeseries() for details.


Passed to pandas.DataFrame.to_csv().

The frictionless Data Package

The pyam package supports reading and writing to the frictionless Data Package.

pyam.read_datapackage(path, data='data', meta='meta')[source]

Read timeseries data and meta-indicators from frictionless Data Package

pathstring or path object

any valid string path or pathlib.Path,
passed to datapackage.Package (read the docs)

datastr, optional

resource containing timeseries data in IAMC-compatible format

metastr, optional

(optional) resource containing a table of categorization and quantitative indicators


Write object to a frictionless Data Package

More information:

Returns the saved datapackage.Package (read the docs). When adding metadata (descriptors), please follow the template defined by

pathstring or path object

any valid string path or pathlib.Path