Source code for pyam.timeseries

import logging
import math

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pyam.str import is_str
from pyam.utils import raise_data_error, to_int

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def fill_series(x, time): """Returns the timeseries value at a point in time by linear interpolation Parameters ---------- x : pandas.Series a timeseries to be interpolated time : int or pandas.datetime year or datetime to interpolate """ x = x.dropna() if time in x.index and not np.isnan(x[time]): return x[time] else: prev = [i for i in x.index if i < time] nxt = [i for i in x.index if i > time] if prev and nxt: p = max(prev) n = min(nxt) return ((n - time) * x[p] + (time - p) * x[n]) / (n - p) else: return np.nan
[docs] def cumulative(x, first_year, last_year): """Returns the cumulative sum of a timeseries This function implements linear interpolation between years and ignores nan's in the range. The function includes the last-year value of the series, and raises a warning if start_year or last_year is outside of the timeseries range and returns nan Parameters ---------- x : pandas.Series a timeseries to be summed over time first_year : int first year of the sum last_year : int last year of the sum (inclusive) """ # if the timeseries does not cover the range `[first_year, last_year]`, # return nan to avoid erroneous aggregation if min(x.index) > first_year: logger.warning(f"Start of period {first_year} outside of range.") return np.nan if max(x.index) < last_year: logger.warning(f"End of period {last_year} outside of range.") return np.nan # make sure we're using integers to_int(x, index=True) x[first_year] = fill_series(x, first_year) x[last_year] = fill_series(x, last_year) years = [ i for i in x.index if i >= first_year and i <= last_year and ~np.isnan(x[i]) ] years.sort() # loop over years if not np.isnan(x[first_year]) and not np.isnan(x[last_year]): value = 0 for i, yr in enumerate(years[:-1]): next_yr = years[i + 1] # the summation is shifted to include the first year fully in sum, # otherwise, would return a weighted average of `yr` and `next_yr` value += ((next_yr - yr - 1) * x[next_yr] + (next_yr - yr + 1) * x[yr]) / 2 # the loop above does not include the last element in range # (`last_year`), therefore added explicitly value += x[last_year] return value
[docs] def cross_threshold( x, threshold=0, direction=["from above", "from below"], return_type=int ): """Returns a list of the years in which a timeseries crosses a threshold Parameters ---------- x : :class:`pandas.Series` A timeseries indexed over years (as integers) threshold : float, optional The threshold that the timeseries is checked against direction : str, optional Whether to return all years where the threshold is crossed or only where threshold is crossed in a specific direction return_type : type, optional Whether to cast the returned values to integer (years) """ direction = [direction] if is_str(direction) else list(direction) if not set(direction).issubset({"from above", "from below"}): raise ValueError(f"Invalid direction: {direction}") # get the values and time-domain index x = x.dropna() values, index = x.values - threshold, x.index.to_numpy() positive, negative = (values >= 0), (values < 0) # determine all indices before crossing the threshold pre = [False] * (len(x) - 1) if "from above" in direction: pre |= positive[:-1] & negative[1:] if "from below" in direction: pre |= positive[1:] & negative[:-1] pre = np.argwhere(pre) # determine all indices after crossing the threshold post = pre + 1 # compute the index value where the threshold is crossed change = (values[post] - values[pre]) / (index[post] - index[pre]) years = index[pre] - values[pre] / change # it year (as int) is returned, add one because int() rounds down if return_type == int: return [y + 1 for y in map(int, years)] return years
[docs] def growth_rate(x): """Compute the annualized growth rate from timeseries data The annualized growth rate parameter in period *t* is computed assuming exponential growth based on the changes from period *t* to period *t+1*. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`pandas.Series` Timeseries data indexed over the time domain. Returns ------- Indexed :class:`pandas.Series` of annualized growth rates Raises ------ ValueError Math domain error when timeseries crosses 0. See Also -------- pyam.IamComputeAccessor.growth_rate """ if not (all([v > 0 for v in x.values]) or all([v < 0 for v in x.values])): raise_data_error("Cannot compute growth rate when timeseries crosses 0", x) x = x.sort_index() growth_rate = (-x.diff(periods=-1) / x).values[:-1] # diff on latest period is nan if isinstance(x.index, pd.MultiIndex): periods = x.index.get_level_values("year") else: periods = x.index period_length = -pd.Series(periods).diff(periods=-1).values[:-1] return pd.Series( [math.pow(1 + v, 1 / d) - 1 for v, d in zip(growth_rate, period_length)], index=x.index[:-1], )