Source code for pyam.iiasa

import json
import logging
import os.path
from functools import lru_cache
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path

import httpx
import ixmp4
import jwt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
import yaml
from ixmp4.cli.platforms import tabulate_manager_platforms
from ixmp4.conf import settings
from ixmp4.conf.auth import ManagerAuth
from requests.auth import AuthBase

from pyam.core import IamDataFrame
from pyam.ixmp4 import read_ixmp4
from pyam.logging import deprecation_warning
from pyam.str import is_str
from pyam.utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# set requests-logger to WARNING only

_AUTH_URL = ""
_CITE_MSG = """
You are connected to the {} scenario explorer hosted by IIASA.
 If you use this data in any published format, please cite the
 data as provided in the explorer guidelines: {}
""".replace("\n", "")
IXMP4_LOGIN = "Please run `ixmp4 login <username>` in a console"

# path to local configuration settings
DEFAULT_IIASA_CREDS = Path("~").expanduser() / ".local" / "pyam" / "iiasa.yaml"

[docs] def platforms() -> None: """Print a list of available ixmp4 platforms hosted by IIASA See Also -------- ixmp4.conf.settings.manager.list_platforms """ tabulate_manager_platforms(ixmp4.conf.settings.manager.list_platforms())
def set_config(*args, **kwargs): raise DeprecationWarning(f"This method is deprecated. {IXMP4_LOGIN}.") def _read_config(file): """Read username and password for IIASA API connection from file""" with open(file, "r") as stream: creds = yaml.safe_load(stream) return ManagerAuth(**creds, url=str(settings.manager_url)) def _check_response(r, msg="Error connecting to IIASA database", error=RuntimeError): if not r.ok: raise error(f"{msg}: {r.text}") class SceSeAuth(AuthBase): def __init__(self, creds: str = None, auth_url: str = _AUTH_URL): """Connection to the Scenario Services manager service for authentication. Parameters ---------- creds : pathlib.Path or str, optional Path to a file with authentication credentials. This feature is deprecated, please run `ixmp4 login <username>` in a console instead. auth_url : str, optional Url of the authentication service """ self.client = httpx.Client(base_url=auth_url, timeout=10.0, http2=True) if creds is None: if DEFAULT_IIASA_CREDS.exists(): deprecation_warning( f"{IXMP4_LOGIN} and manually delete the file " f"'{DEFAULT_IIASA_CREDS}'. Using a pyam-credentials file", ) self.auth = _read_config(DEFAULT_IIASA_CREDS) else: self.auth = ixmp4.conf.settings.default_auth elif isinstance(creds, Path) or is_str(creds): deprecation_warning(f"{IXMP4_LOGIN}.", "Using a pyam-credentials file") self.auth = _read_config(creds) else: raise DeprecationWarning( "Passing credentials as clear-text is not allowed. " f"{IXMP4_LOGIN} instead." ) # self.auth is None if connection to manager service cannot be established if self.auth is None: raise httpx.ConnectError("No connection to IIASA manager service.") # explicit token for anonymous login is not necessary for ixmp4 platforms # but is required for legacy Scenario Explorer databases if self.auth.user.username == "@anonymous": self._get_anonymous_token() else: self.user = self.auth.user.username self.access_token = self.auth.access_token def _get_anonymous_token(self): r = self.client.get("/legacy/anonym/") if r.status_code >= 400: raise ValueError("Unknown API error: " + r.text) self.user, self.access_token = None, r.json() def __call__(self): try: # raises jwt.ExpiredSignatureError if token is expired jwt.decode( self.access_token, options={"verify_signature": False, "verify_exp": True}, ) except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError: if self.auth.user.username == "@anonymous": self._get_anonymous_token() else: self.auth.refresh_or_reobtain_jwt() self.access_token = self.auth.access_token return {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.access_token}
[docs] class Connection(object): """A class to facilitate querying an IIASA Scenario Explorer database API Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name of a database API. Use :attr:`valid_connections <pyam.iiasa.Connection.valid_connections>` for a list of available APIs. creds : pathlib.Path or str, optional Path to a file with authentication credentials. This feature is deprecated, please run `ixmp4 login <username>` in a console instead. auth_url : str, optional custom authentication server URL Notes ----- Credentials (username & password) are not required to access public |ixmp4| or Scenario Explorer databases (i.e., with Guest login). """ def __init__(self, name=None, creds=None, auth_url=_AUTH_URL): self._auth_url = auth_url # scenario services manager API self._base_url = None # database connection API self.auth = SceSeAuth(creds=creds, auth_url=self._auth_url) # connect if provided a name self._connected = None if name: self.connect(name) if self.auth.user is not None:"You are connected as user `{self.auth.user}`") else:"You are connected as an anonymous user") @property @lru_cache() def _connection_map(self): # TODO: application-list will be reimplemented in conjunction with ixmp-server r = self.auth.client.get("legacy/applications", headers=self.auth()) if r.status_code >= 400: raise ValueError("Unknown API error: " + r.text) aliases = set() conn_map = {} for x in r.json(): if "config" in x: env = next( (r["value"] for r in x["config"] if r["path"] == "env"), None ) name = x["name"] if env is not None: if env in aliases: logger.warning("Duplicate instance alias {}".format(env)) conn_map[name] = name first_duplicate = conn_map.pop(env) conn_map[first_duplicate] = first_duplicate else: conn_map[env] = name aliases.add(env) else: conn_map[name] = name return conn_map @property @lru_cache() def valid_connections(self): """Return available resources (database API connections)""" logger.warning( "IIASA is migrating to a database infrastructure using the ixmp4 package." "Use `pyam.iiasa.platforms()` to list available ixmp4 databases." ) return list(self._connection_map.keys())
[docs] def connect(self, name): """Connect to a specific resource (database API)""" if name in self._connection_map: name = self._connection_map[name] valid = self._connection_map.values() if name not in valid: raise ValueError( f"You do not have access to instance '{name}' or it does not exist. " "Use `pyam.iiasa.Connection().valid_connections` for a list " "of accessible services." ) # TODO: config will be reimplemented in conjunction with ixmp-server r = self.auth.client.get( f"legacy/applications/{name}/config", headers=self.auth() ) if r.status_code >= 400: raise ValueError("Unknown API error: " + r.text) response = r.json() idxs = {x["path"]: i for i, x in enumerate(response)} self._base_url = response[idxs["baseUrl"]]["value"] # TODO: proper citation (as metadata) instead of link to the about page if "uiUrl" in idxs: about = "/".join([response[idxs["uiUrl"]]["value"], "#", "about"]), about)) # TODO: use API "nice-name" self._connected = name
@property def current_connection(self): """Currently connected resource (database API connection)""" return self._connected @property def meta_columns(self): """Return the list of meta indicators in the connected resource""" url = "/".join([self._base_url, "metadata/types"]) r = requests.get(url, headers=self.auth()) _check_response(r) return pd.read_json(StringIO(r.text), orient="records")["name"] def _query_index(self, default_only=True, meta=False, cols=[], **kwargs): # TODO: at present this reads in all data for all scenarios, # it could be sped up in the future to try to query a subset _default = "true" if default_only else "false" _meta = "true" if meta else "false" add_url = f"runs?getOnlyDefaultRuns={_default}&includeMetadata={_meta}" url = "/".join([self._base_url, add_url]) r = requests.get(url, headers=self.auth()) _check_response(r) # cast response to dataframe, apply filter by kwargs, and return runs = pd.read_json(StringIO(r.text), orient="records") if runs.empty: logger.warning("No permission to view model(s) or no scenarios exist.") return pd.DataFrame([], columns=META_IDX + ["version", "run_id"] + cols) if kwargs: keep = np.ones(len(runs), dtype=bool) for key, values in kwargs.items(): if key not in META_IDX + ["version"]: raise ValueError(f"Invalid filter: '{key}'") keep_col = pattern_match(pd.Series(runs[key].values), values) keep = np.logical_and(keep, keep_col) return runs[keep] else: return runs
[docs] def index(self, default_only=True, **kwargs): """Return the index of models and scenarios Parameters ---------- default_only : bool, optional If `True`, return *only* the default version of a model/scenario. If `False`, return all versions. **kwargs Arguments to filter by *model* and *scenario*, `*` can be used as wildcard. """ if "default" in kwargs: default_only = _new_default_api(kwargs) cols = ["version"] if default_only else ["version", "is_default"] return self._query_index(default_only, **kwargs)[META_IDX + cols].set_index( META_IDX )
[docs] def meta(self, default_only=True, run_id=False, **kwargs): """Return categories and indicators (meta) of scenarios Parameters ---------- default_only : bool, optional If `True`, return *only* the default version of a model/scenario. If `False`, return all versions. run_id : bool, optional Include "run id" column **kwargs Arguments to filer by *model* and *scenario*, `*` can be used as wildcard """ if "default" in kwargs: default_only = _new_default_api(kwargs) df = self._query_index(default_only, meta=True, **kwargs) cols = ["version"] if default_only else ["version", "is_default"] if run_id: cols.append("run_id") meta = df[META_IDX + cols] if not meta.empty and df.metadata.any(): extra_meta = pd.DataFrame.from_records(df.metadata) meta = pd.concat([meta, extra_meta], axis=1) # remove "exclude" column when querying from an ixmp (legacy) IIASA database if "exclude" in meta.columns: meta.drop(columns="exclude", inplace=True) return meta.set_index(META_IDX + ([] if default_only else ["version"]))
[docs] def properties(self, default_only=True, **kwargs): """Return the audit properties of scenarios Parameters ---------- default_only : bool, optional If `True`, return *only* the default version of a model/scenario. If `False`, return all versions. **kwargs Arguments to filer by *model* and *scenario*, `*` can be used as wildcard """ if "default" in kwargs: default_only = _new_default_api(kwargs) audit_cols = ["cre_user", "cre_date", "upd_user", "upd_date"] other_cols = ["version"] if default_only else ["version", "is_default"] cols = audit_cols + other_cols _df = self._query_index(default_only, meta=True, cols=cols, **kwargs) audit_mapping = dict([(i, i.replace("_", "ate_")) for i in audit_cols]) return _df.set_index(META_IDX).rename(columns=audit_mapping)
[docs] def models(self): """List all models in the connected resource""" return pd.Series(self._query_index()["model"].unique(), name="model")
[docs] def scenarios(self): """List all scenarios in the connected resource""" return pd.Series(self._query_index()["scenario"].unique(), name="scenario")
[docs] @lru_cache() def variables(self): """List all variables in the connected resource""" url = "/".join([self._base_url, "ts"]) r = requests.get(url, headers=self.auth()) _check_response(r) df = pd.read_json(StringIO(r.text), orient="records") return pd.Series(df["variable"].unique(), name="variable")
[docs] @lru_cache() def regions(self, include_synonyms=False): """List all regions in the connected resource Parameters ---------- include_synonyms : bool whether to include synonyms (possibly leading to duplicate region names for regions with more than one synonym) """ url = "/".join([self._base_url, "nodes?hierarchy=%2A"]) params = {"includeSynonyms": include_synonyms} r = requests.get(url, headers=self.auth(), params=params) _check_response(r) return self.convert_regions_payload(r.text, include_synonyms)
@staticmethod def convert_regions_payload(response, include_synonyms): df = pd.read_json(StringIO(response), orient="records") if df.empty: return df if "synonyms" not in df.columns: df["synonyms"] = [list()] * len(df) df = df.astype( { "id": str, "name": str, "hierarchy": str, "parent": str, "synonyms": object, } ) if include_synonyms: df = df[["name", "synonyms"]].explode("synonyms") return df.rename(columns={"name": "region", "synonyms": "synonym"}) return pd.Series(df["name"].unique(), name="region") def _query_post(self, meta, default_only=True, **kwargs): # noqa: C901 def _get_kwarg(k): # TODO refactor API to return all models if model-list is empty x = kwargs.pop(k, "*" if k == "model" else []) return [x] if is_str(x) else x m_pattern = _get_kwarg("model") s_pattern = _get_kwarg("scenario") v_pattern = _get_kwarg("variable") r_pattern = _get_kwarg("region") def _match(data, patterns): # this is empty, return empty list which means "everything" if not patterns: return [] # otherwise match everything matches = np.array([False] * len(data)) for p in patterns: matches |= pattern_match(data, p) return data[matches].unique() # drop non-default runs if only default is requested if default_only and hasattr(meta, "is_default"): meta = meta[meta.is_default] # determine relevant run id's meta = meta.reset_index() models = _match(meta["model"], m_pattern) scenarios = _match(meta["scenario"], s_pattern) if len(models) == 0 and len(scenarios) == 0: runs = [] else: where = np.array([True] * len(meta)) if len(models) > 0: where &= meta.model.isin(models) if len(scenarios) > 0: where &= meta.scenario.isin(scenarios) runs = meta.run_id[where].unique().tolist() # get unique other values variables = _match(self.variables(), v_pattern) # pass empty list to API if all variables selected if len(variables) == len(self.variables()): variables = [] regions = _match(self.regions(), r_pattern) # pass empty list to API if all regions selected if len(regions) == len(self.regions()): regions = [] data = { "filters": { "regions": list(regions), "variables": list(variables), "runs": list(runs), "years": [], "units": [], "timeslices": [], } } return data
[docs] def query(self, default_only=True, meta=True, **kwargs): """Query the connected resource for timeseries data (with filters) Parameters ---------- default_only : bool, optional If `True`, return *only* the default version of a model/scenario. If `False`, return all versions. meta : bool or list, optional If :obj:`True`, merge all meta columns indicators (or subset if list is given). **kwargs Available keyword arguments include - model - scenario - region - variable Returns ------- IamDataFrame Examples -------- You can read from a :class:`pyam.iiasa.Connection` instance using keyword arguments similar to filtering an :class:`IamDataFrame`: .. code-block:: python Connection.query( model="MESSAGE*", scenario="SSP2*", variable=["Emissions|CO2", "Primary Energy"], ) """ if "default" in kwargs: default_only = _new_default_api(kwargs) headers = self.auth().copy() headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" # retrieve meta (with run ids) or only index if meta: _meta = self.meta(default_only=default_only, run_id=True) # downselect to subset of meta columns if given as list if is_list_like(meta): # always merge 'version' (even if not requested explicitly) # 'run_id' is required to determine `_args`, dropped later _meta = _meta[list(set(meta).union(["version", "run_id"]))] else: _meta = self._query_index(default_only=default_only).set_index(META_IDX) # return nothing if no data exists at all if _meta.empty: return # retrieve data _args = json.dumps(self._query_post(_meta, default_only=default_only, **kwargs)) url = "/".join([self._base_url, "runs/bulk/ts"]) r =, headers=headers, data=_args) _check_response(r) # refactor returned json object to be castable to an IamDataFrame dtype = dict( model=str, scenario=str, variable=str, unit=str, region=str, year=int, value=float, version=int, ) data = pd.read_json(StringIO(r.text), orient="records", dtype=dtype) cols = IAMC_IDX + ["year", "value", "subannual", "version"] # keep only known columns or init empty df data = pd.DataFrame(data=data, columns=cols) # check if timeseries data has subannual disaggregation, drop if not if "subannual" in data: timeslices = data.subannual.dropna().unique() if all([i in [-1, "Year"] for i in timeslices]): data.drop(columns="subannual", inplace=True) # define the index for the IamDataFrame if default_only: index = META_IDX data.drop(columns="version", inplace=True) else: index = META_IDX + ["version"]"Initializing `IamDataFrame` with non-default index {index}") # merge meta indicators (if requested) and cast to IamDataFrame if meta: # 'run_id' is necessary to retrieve data, not returned by default if not (is_list_like(meta) and "run_id" in meta): _meta.drop(columns="run_id", inplace=True) return IamDataFrame(data, meta=_meta, index=index) else: return IamDataFrame(data, index=index)
def _new_default_api(kwargs): # TODO: argument `default` is deprecated, remove this warning for release >= 3.0 raise DeprecationWarning( "The argument `default` is deprecated, use `default_only` instead." )
[docs] def read_iiasa(name, default_only=True, meta=True, creds=None, **kwargs): """Read data from an |ixmp4| platform or an IIASA Scenario Explorer database. Parameters ---------- name : str | Name of an |ixmp4| platform or an IIASA Scenario Explorer database instance. | Use :attr:`platforms <pyam.iiasa.platforms>` for a list of |ixmp4| platforms hosted by IIASA. | Use :attr:`valid_connections <pyam.iiasa.Connection.valid_connections>` for a list of available Scenario Explorer database instances. default_only : bool, optional If `True`, return *only* the default version of a model/scenario. If `False`, return all versions. meta : bool or list of strings, optional If `True`, include all meta categories & quantitative indicators (or subset if list is given). creds : str or :class:`pathlib.Path`, optional Path to a file with authentication credentials. This feature is deprecated, please run ``ixmp4 login <username>`` in a console instead. **kwargs Arguments for :meth:`pyam.read_ixmp4` or :meth:`pyam.iiasa.Connection.query`. Notes ----- Credentials (username & password) are not required to access any public |ixmp4| or Scenario Explorer database (i.e., with Guest login). """ if name in [ for i in ixmp4.conf.settings.manager.list_platforms()]: if meta is not True: raise NotImplementedError( "Reading from ixmp4 platforms requires `meta=True`" ) return read_ixmp4(name, default_only=default_only, **kwargs) return Connection(name, creds).query(default_only=default_only, meta=meta, **kwargs)
[docs] def lazy_read_iiasa(file, name, default_only=True, meta=True, creds=None, **kwargs): """ Try to load data from a local cache, failing that, loads it from an IIASA database. Check if the file in a given location is an up-to-date version of an IIASA database. If so, load it. If not, load data from the IIASA scenario explorer database API and save to that location. Does not check that the previously read version is a complete instance of the database, so if the initial load applies a filter, you will read only data that passes the same filter as well as any additional filter you apply. Parameters ---------- file : str or :class:`pathlib.Path` The location to test for valid data and save the data if not up-to-date. Must be either xlsx or csv. name : str | Name of an IIASA Scenario Explorer database instance. | Use :attr:`valid_connections <pyam.iiasa.Connection.valid_connections>` for a list of available instances. default_only : bool, optional If `True`, return *only* the default version of a model/scenario. If `False`, return all versions. meta : bool or list of strings, optional If `True`, include all meta categories & quantitative indicators (or subset if list is given). creds : str or :class:`pathlib.Path`, optional Path to a file with authentication credentials. This feature is deprecated, please run ``ixmp4 login <username>`` in a console instead. **kwargs Arguments for :meth:`pyam.read_ixmp4` or :meth:`pyam.iiasa.Connection.query`. Notes ----- This feature does currently not support reading data from |ixmp4| platforms. Credentials (username & password) are not required to access any public |ixmp4| or Scenario Explorer database (i.e., with Guest login). """ if name in [ for platform in ixmp4.conf.settings.manager.list_platforms() ]: raise NotImplementedError( "The function `lazy_read_iiasa()` does not support ixmp4 platforms." ) file = Path(file) assert file.suffix in [ ".csv", ".xlsx", ], "We will only read and write to csv and xlsx format." if os.path.exists(file): date_set = pd.to_datetime(os.path.getmtime(file), unit="s") version_info = Connection(name, creds).properties() latest_new = np.nanmax(pd.to_datetime(version_info["create_date"])) latest_update = np.nanmax(pd.to_datetime(version_info["update_date"])) latest = pd.Series([latest_new, latest_update]).max() if latest < date_set: old_read = IamDataFrame(file) if kwargs: old_read = old_read.filter(**kwargs)"Database read from file") return old_read else:"Database out of date and will be re-downloaded") # If we get here, we need to redownload the database new_read = read_iiasa( name, meta=meta, default_only=default_only, creds=creds, **kwargs, ) Path(file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if file.suffix == ".csv": new_read.to_csv(file) else: new_read.to_excel(file) return new_read