Source code for pyam.plotting

import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable

import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

# TODO: this is a hotfix for changes in pandas 0.25.0, per discussions on the
# pandas-dev listserv, we should try to ask if matplotlib would make it a
# standard feature in their library
from pyam._style import _get_standard_colors
from pyam.figures import sankey
from pyam.index import get_index_levels
from pyam.logging import raise_data_error
from pyam.run_control import run_control
from pyam.str import is_str
from pyam.timeseries import cross_threshold
from pyam.utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# line colors, markers, and styles that are cycled through when not
# explicitly declared

# maximum number of labels after which do not show legends by default

# default legend kwargs for putting legends outside of plots
    "right": dict(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)),
    "bottom": dict(loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.2), ncol=3),

    # AR6 colours originally from
    # Final values are used as communicated from the TSU and documented
    # in:
    # where each file is processed to generate hex values, e.g.:
    # with open('rcp_cat.txt') as f:
    #   for l in f.readlines():
    #     rgb = np.array([int(x) for x in l.strip().split()]) / 256
    #     print(matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(rgb))
    "AR6-SSP1": "#1e9583",
    "AR6-SSP2": "#4576be",
    "AR6-SSP3": "#f11111",
    "AR6-SSP4": "#e78731",
    "AR6-SSP5": "#8036a7",
    "AR6-SSP1-1.9": "#00a9cf",
    "AR6-SSP1-2.6": "#003466",
    "AR6-SSP2-4.5": "#f69320",
    "AR6-SSP3-7.0": "#df0000",
    "AR6-SSP3-LowNTCF": "#e61d25",
    "AR6-SSP4-3.4": "#2274ae",
    "AR6-SSP4-6.0": "#b0724e",
    "AR6-SSP5-3.4-OS": "#92397a",
    "AR6-SSP5-8.5": "#980002",
    "AR6-RCP-2.6": "#003466",
    "AR6-RCP-4.5": "#709fcc",
    "AR6-RCP-6.0": "#c37900",
    "AR6-RCP-8.5": "#980002",
    # AR5 colours from
    "AR5-RCP-2.6": "#0000FF",
    "AR5-RCP-4.5": "#79BCFF",
    "AR5-RCP-6.0": "#FF822D",
    "AR5-RCP-8.5": "#FF0000",
    # AR6 WG III scenario categorization (C)
    "AR6-C1": "#97CEE4",  # C1: scenarios that limit warming to 1.5°C (>50%) with no or limited overshoot  # noqa: E501
    "AR6-C2": "#778663",  # C2: scenarios that return warming to 1.5°C (>50%) after a high overshoot # noqa: E501
    "AR6-C3": "#6F7899",  # C3: scenarios that limit warming to 2°C (>67%)
    "AR6-C4": "#A7C682",  # C4: scenarios that limit warming to 2°C (>50%)
    "AR6-C5": "#8CA7D0",  # C5: scenarios that limit warming to 2.5°C (>50%)
    "AR6-C6": "#FAC182",  # C6: scenarios that limit warming to 3°C (>50%)
    "AR6-C7": "#F18872",  # C7: scenarios that limit warming to 4°C (>50%)
    "AR6-C8": "#BD7161",  # C8: scenarios that exceed 4°C warming (≥50%)
    # AR6 Illustrative Mitigation Pathway (IMP)
    "AR6-IMP-LD": "#4FA7BF",  # LD: emphasis on a low demand for resources
    "AR6-IMP-Ren": "#2B7C8B",  # Ren: emphasis on renewables resources
    "AR6-IMP-SP": "#004D52",  # SP: emphasis on sustainable development
    "AR6-IMP-Neg": "#84A12B",  # Neg: emphasis on deployment of carbon dioxide removal
    "AR6-IMP-GS": "#6E7895",  # GS: less rapid near-term mitigation followed by a gradual strengthening # noqa: E501
    # AR6 Illustrative Pathway (IP)
    "AR6-IP-ModAct": "#F29424",  # pathway with moderate climate action
    "AR6-IP-CurPol": "#E31F2B",  # pathway modelling current policies

class PlotAccessor:
    """Make plots of IamDataFrame instances"""

    def __init__(self, df):
        self._parent = df

        # assign plotting functions as attributes
        PLOT_MAPPING = {
            "line": line,
            "bar": bar,
            "stack": stack,
            "box": box,
            "pie": pie,
            "scatter": scatter,
            "sankey": sankey,
        # inherit the docstring from the plot function
        for name, func in PLOT_MAPPING.items():
            getattr(self, name).__func__.__doc__ = func.__doc__

    def __call__(self, kind="line", *args, **kwargs):
        return getattr(self, kind)(**kwargs)

    def line(self, **kwargs):
        return line(self._parent, **kwargs)

    def bar(self, **kwargs):
        return bar(self._parent, **kwargs)

    def stack(self, **kwargs):
        return stack(self._parent, **kwargs)

    def hist(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError("Histogram plot not implemented yet!")

    def box(self, **kwargs):
        return box(self._parent, **kwargs)

    def pie(self, **kwargs):
        return pie(self._parent, **kwargs)

    def scatter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return scatter(self._parent, *args, **kwargs)

    def sankey(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return sankey(self._parent, *args, **kwargs)

def reset_default_props(**kwargs):
    """Reset properties to initial cycle point"""
    global _DEFAULT_PROPS
    pcycle = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]
        "color": (
            if len(kwargs) > 0
            else itertools.cycle([x["color"] for x in pcycle])
        "marker": itertools.cycle(["o", "x", ".", "+", "*"]),
        "linestyle": itertools.cycle(["-", "--", "-.", ":"]),

def default_props(reset=False, **kwargs):
    """Return current default properties

    reset : bool
            if True, reset properties and return
    global _DEFAULT_PROPS
    if _DEFAULT_PROPS is None or reset:
    return _DEFAULT_PROPS

def mpl_args_to_meta_cols(df, **kwargs):
    """Return the kwargs values (not keys) matching a `df.meta` column name"""
    cols = set()
    for arg, value in kwargs.items():
        if is_str(value) and value in df.meta.columns:
    return list(cols)

def assign_style_props(df, color=None, marker=None, linestyle=None, cmap=None):
    """Assign the style properties for a plot

    df : pd.DataFrame
        data to be used for style properties
    if color is None and cmap is not None:
        raise ValueError("`cmap` must be provided with the `color` argument")

    # determine color, marker, and linestyle for each line
    n = (
        if color in df.columns
        else len(df[list(set(df.columns) & set(IAMC_IDX))].drop_duplicates())
    defaults = default_props(reset=True, num_colors=n, colormap=cmap)

    props = {}
    rc = run_control()

    kinds = [("color", color), ("marker", marker), ("linestyle", linestyle)]

    for kind, var in kinds:
        rc_has_kind = kind in rc
        if var in df.columns:
            rc_has_var = rc_has_kind and var in rc[kind]
            props_for_kind = {}

            for val in df[var].unique():
                if rc_has_var and val in rc[kind][var]:
                    props_for_kind[val] = rc[kind][var][val]
                    # cycle any way to keep defaults the same
                    props_for_kind[val] = next(defaults[kind])
            props[kind] = props_for_kind

    # update for special properties only if they exist in props
    if "color" in props:
        d = props["color"]
        values = list(d.values())
        # find if any colors in our properties corresponds with special colors
        # we know about
        overlap_idx = np.in1d(values, list(PYAM_COLORS.keys()))
        if overlap_idx.any():  # some exist in our special set
            keys = np.array(list(d.keys()))[overlap_idx]
            values = np.array(values)[overlap_idx]
            # translate each from pyam name, like AR6-SSP2-45 to proper color
            # designation
            for k, v in zip(keys, values):
                d[k] = PYAM_COLORS[v]
            # replace props with updated dict without special colors
            props["color"] = d
    return props

def reshape_mpl(df, x, y, idx_cols, **kwargs):
    """Reshape data from long form to "bar plot form".

    Matplotlib requires x values as the index with one column for bar grouping.
    Table values come from y values.
    idx_cols = to_list(idx_cols)
    if x not in idx_cols:
        idx_cols += [x]

    # check for duplicates
    rows = df[idx_cols].duplicated()
    if any(rows):
        raise_data_error("Duplicates in plot data", df.loc[rows, idx_cols])

    # reshape the data
    df = df.set_index(idx_cols)[y].unstack(x).T

    # reindex to get correct order
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        level = None
        if == key:  # single-dimension index
            axis, _values = "columns", df.columns.values
        elif == key:  # single-dimension index
            axis, _values = "index", list(df.index)
        elif key in df.columns.names:  # several dimensions -> pd.MultiIndex
            axis, _values = "columns", get_index_levels(df.columns, key)
            level = key
            raise ValueError(f"No dimension {key} in the data!")

        # if not given, determine order based on run control (if possible)
        if value is None and key in run_control()["order"]:
            # select relevant items from run control, then add other cols
            value = [i for i in run_control()["order"][key] if i in _values]
            value += [i for i in _values if i not in value]
        df = df.reindex(**{axis: value, "level": level})

    return df

def time_col_or_year(df):
    """Return the time-col (if `df` is an IamDataFrame) or 'year'"""
        return df.time_col
    except AttributeError:
        return "year"

[docs] def pie( df, value="value", category="variable", legend=False, title=None, ax=None, cmap=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot data as a pie chart. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pyam.IamDataFrame`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Data to be plotted value : string, optional The column to use for data values category : string, optional The column to use for labels legend : bool, optional Include a legend. title : string, optional Text to use for the title. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional cmap : string, optional The name of a registered colormap. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.plot`. Returns ------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Modified `ax` or new instance """ # cast to DataFrame if necessary # TODO: select only relevant meta columns if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): df = df.as_pandas() for col in set(SORT_IDX) - {category}: if len(df[col].unique()) > 1: msg = ( "Can not plot multiple {}s in a pie plot with value={} and category={}" ) raise ValueError(msg.format(col, value, category)) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # get data, set negative values to explode _df = df.groupby(category)[value].sum() where = _df > 0 explode = tuple(0 if _ else 0.2 for _ in where) _df = _df.abs() # explicitly get colors defaults = default_props(reset=True, num_colors=len(_df.index), colormap=cmap)[ "color" ] rc = run_control() if "colors" in kwargs: colors = kwargs.pop("colors") else: colors = [] for key, c in zip(_df.index, defaults): if category in rc["color"] and key in rc["color"][category]: c = rc["color"][category][key] colors.append(c) # plot data _df.plot(kind="pie", colors=colors, ax=ax, explode=explode, **kwargs) # add legend and title ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5), labels=_df.index) if not legend: ax.legend_.remove() if title: ax.set_title(title) # remove label ax.set_ylabel("") return ax
[docs] def stack( # noqa: C901 df, x=None, y="value", stack="variable", order=None, total=None, legend=True, title=True, ax=None, cmap=None, **kwargs, ): r"""Plot a stacked area chart of timeseries data Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pyam.IamDataFrame`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Data to be plotted x : string, optional The coordinates or column of the data points for the horizontal axis; defaults to the time domain (if `df` is IamDataFrame) or 'year'. y : string, optional The coordinates or column of the data points for the vertical axis. stack : string, optional The column to use for stack groupings order : list, optional The order to plot the stack levels and the legend. If not specified, order by :meth:`run_control()['order'][\<stack\>] <pyam.run_control>` (where available) or alphabetical. total : bool or dict, optional If True, plot a total line with default |pyam| settings. If a dict, then plot the total line using the dict key-value pairs as keyword arguments to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. If None, do not plot the total line. legend : bool, optional Include a legend. title : bool or string, optional Text to use for the title, display a default if True. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional cmap : string, optional The name of a registered colormap. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.plot` Returns ------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Modified `ax` or new instance """ # default x-axis to time-col attribute from an IamDataFrame, else use "year" x = x or time_col_or_year(df) # cast to DataFrame if necessary # TODO: select only relevant meta columns if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): df = df.as_pandas() for col in set(SORT_IDX) - {x, stack}: if len(df[col].unique()) > 1: msg = "Can not plot multiple {}s in stack_plot with x={}, stack={}" raise ValueError(msg.format(col, x, stack)) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # long form to one column per stack group _df = reshape_mpl(df, x, y, stack, **{stack: order}) # cannot plot timeseries that do not extend for the entire range has_na = _df.iloc[[0, -1]].isna().any() if any(has_na): msg = "Can not plot data that does not extend for the entire {} range" raise ValueError(msg.format(x)) def as_series(index, name): _idx = [i[0] for i in index] return pd.Series([0] * len(index), index=_idx, name=name, dtype="int") # determine all time-indices where a timeseries crosses 0 and add to data _rows = pd.concat( [as_series(cross_threshold(_df[c], return_type=float), c) for c in _df.columns], axis=1, ) _df = ( pd.concat([_df, _rows.loc[_rows.index.difference(_df.index)]]) .sort_index() .interpolate(method="index") ) # explicitly get colors defaults = default_props(reset=True, num_colors=len(_df.columns), colormap=cmap)[ "color" ] rc = run_control() colors = {} for key in _df.columns: c = next(defaults) c_in_rc = "color" in rc if c_in_rc and stack in rc["color"] and key in rc["color"][stack]: c = rc["color"][stack][key] colors[key] = c # determine positive and negative parts of the timeseries data _df_pos = x: max(x, 0)) _df_neg = x: min(x, 0)) lower = [0] * len(_df_pos) for col in reversed(_df_pos.columns): upper = _df_pos[col].fillna(0) + lower ax.fill_between( _df_pos.index, upper, lower, label=None, color=colors[col], linewidth=0, **kwargs, ) lower = upper upper = [0] * len(_df_neg) for col in _df_neg.columns: lower = _df_neg[col].fillna(0) + upper # add label only on negative to have it in right order ax.fill_between( _df_neg.index, upper, lower, label=col, color=colors[col], linewidth=0, **kwargs, ) upper = lower # add total if (total is not None) and total: # cover case where total=False if isinstance(total, bool): # can now assume total=True total = {} total.setdefault("label", "Total") total.setdefault("color", "black") total.setdefault("lw", 4.0) ax.plot(_df.index, _df.sum(axis=1), **total) # add legend ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)) if not legend: ax.legend_.remove() # add default labels if possible ax.set_xlabel(x.capitalize()) units = df["unit"].unique() if len(units) == 1: ax.set_ylabel(units[0]) # build a default title if possible _title = [] for var in ["model", "scenario", "region", "variable"]: values = df[var].unique() if len(values) == 1: _title.append(f"{var}: {values[0]}") if title and _title: title = " ".join(_title) if title is True else title ax.set_title(title) return ax
[docs] def bar( # noqa: C901 df, x=None, y="value", bars="variable", order=None, bars_order=None, orient="v", legend=True, title=True, ax=None, cmap=None, **kwargs, ): r"""Plot data as a stacked or grouped bar chart Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pyam.IamDataFrame`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Data to be plotted x : string, optional The coordinates or column of the data points for the horizontal axis; defaults to the time domain (if `df` is IamDataFrame) or 'year'. y : string, optional The coordinates or column of the data points for the vertical axis. bars : string, optional The column to use for bar groupings order, bars_order : list, optional The order to plot the levels on the x-axis and the bars (and legend). If not specified, order by :meth:`run_control()['order'][\<stack\>] <pyam.run_control>` (where available) or alphabetical. orient : string, optional Vertical or horizontal orientation. legend : bool, optional Include a legend. title : bool or string, optional Text to use for the title, display a default if True. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional cmap : string, optional The name of a registered colormap. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.plot` Returns ------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Modified `ax` or new instance """ # default x-axis to time-col attribute from an IamDataFrame, else use "year" x = x or time_col_or_year(df) # cast to DataFrame if necessary # TODO: select only relevant meta columns if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): df = df.as_pandas() for col in set(SORT_IDX) - {x, bars}: if len(df[col].unique()) > 1: msg = "Can not plot multiple {}s in bar plot with x={}, bars={}" raise ValueError(msg.format(col, x, bars)) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # long form to one column per bar group _df = reshape_mpl(df, x, y, bars, **{x: order, bars: bars_order}) # explicitly get colors defaults = default_props(reset=True, num_colors=len(_df.columns), colormap=cmap)[ "color" ] rc = run_control() color = [] for key in _df.columns: c = next(defaults) if "color" in rc and bars in rc["color"] and key in rc["color"][bars]: c = rc["color"][bars][key] color.append(c) # change year to str to prevent pandas/matplotlib from auto-ordering (#474) if == "year": _df.index = map(str, _df.index) # plot data kind = "bar" if orient.startswith("v") else "barh" _df.plot(kind=kind, color=color, ax=ax, **kwargs) # add legend ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.5)) if not legend: ax.legend_.remove() # add default labels if possible if orient == "v": ax.set_xlabel(x.capitalize()) else: ax.set_ylabel(x.capitalize()) units = df["unit"].unique() if len(units) == 1 and y == "value": if orient == "v": ax.set_ylabel(units[0]) else: ax.set_xlabel(units[0]) # build a default title if possible _title = [] for var in ["model", "scenario", "region", "variable"]: values = df[var].unique() if len(values) == 1: _title.append(f"{var}: {values[0]}") if title and _title: title = " ".join(_title) if title is True else title ax.set_title(title) return ax
[docs] def box(df, y="value", x=None, by=None, legend=True, title=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot boxplot of data using seaborn.boxplot Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pyam.IamDataFrame`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Data to be plotted y : string, optional The column to use for y-axis values representing the distribution within the boxplot x : string, optional The coordinates or column of the data points for the horizontal axis; defaults to the time domain (if `df` is IamDataFrame) or 'year'. by : string, optional The column for grouping y-axis values at each x-axis point, i.e. a 3rd dimension. Data should be categorical, not a contiuous variable. legend : bool, optional Include a legend. title : bool or string, optional Text to use for the title, display a default if True. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.plot`. Returns ------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Modified `ax` or new instance """ # default x-axis to time-col attribute from an IamDataFrame, else use "year" x = x or time_col_or_year(df) # cast to DataFrame if necessary # TODO: select only relevant meta columns if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): df = df.as_pandas() if by: rc = run_control() if "palette" not in kwargs and "color" in rc and by in rc["color"]: # TODO this only works if all categories are defined in run_control palette = rc["color"][by] df[by] = df[by].astype("category") df[by].cat.set_categories(list(palette), inplace=True) kwargs["palette"] = palette else: df.sort_values(by, inplace=True) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Create the plot sns.boxplot(x=x, y=y, hue=by, data=df, ax=ax, **kwargs) # Add legend if legend: ax.legend(loc=2) ax.legend_.set_title( "n=" + str(len(df[META_IDX].drop_duplicates())), ) # Axes labels if y == "value": ax.set_ylabel(df.unit.unique()[0]) else: ax.set_ylabel(y) if title: ax.set_title(title) return ax
def _get_boxes(ax, xoffset=0.05, width_weight=0.1): xys = {} widths = {} heights = defaultdict(list) for b in ax.get_children(): if isinstance(b, mpatches.Rectangle) and b.xy != (0, 0): x, y = b.xy heights[x].append(b.get_height()) widths[x] = b.get_width() * width_weight xys[x] = ((x + b.get_width()) + xoffset, 0) return {x: (xys[x], widths[x], sum(heights[x])) for x in xys.keys()} def add_net_values_to_bar_plot(axs, color="k"): """Add net values next to an existing vertical stacked bar chart Parameters ---------- axs : matplotlib.Axes or list thereof color : str, optional, default: black the color of the bars to add """ axs = axs if isinstance(axs, Iterable) else [axs] for ax in axs: box_args = _get_boxes(ax) for x, args in box_args.items(): rect = mpatches.Rectangle(*args, color=color) ax.add_patch(rect)
[docs] def scatter( # noqa: C901 df, x, y, legend=None, title=None, color=None, marker="o", linestyle=None, groupby=["model", "scenario"], with_lines=False, ax=None, cmap=None, **kwargs, ): """Plot data as a scatter chart. Parameters ---------- df : class:`pyam.IamDataFrame` Data to be plotted x : str The coordinates or columns of the data points for the horizontal axis. y : str The coordinates or columns of the data points for the vertical axis. legend : bool, optional Include a legend. By default, show legend only if less than 13 entries. If a dictionary is provided, it will be used as keyword arguments in creating the legend. title : bool or string, optional Text to use for the title, display a default if True. color : string, optional A valid matplotlib color or column name. If a column name, common values will be provided the same color. marker : string A valid matplotlib marker or column name. If a column name, common values will be provided the same marker. linestyle : string, optional A valid matplotlib linestyle or column name. If a column name, common values will be provided the same linestyle. default: None groupby : list-like, optional Data grouping for plotting. with_lines : bool, optional Make the scatter plot with lines connecting common data. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional cmap : string, optional The name of a registered colormap. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.plot`. Returns ------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Modified `ax` or new instance """ # process the data xisvar = x in df.variable yisvar = y in df.variable meta_col_args = dict(color=color, marker=marker, linestyle=linestyle) meta_cols = mpl_args_to_meta_cols(df, **meta_col_args) if not xisvar and not yisvar: cols = [x, y] + meta_cols data = df.meta[cols].reset_index() elif xisvar and yisvar: # filter pivot both and rename dfx = ( df.filter(variable=x) .as_pandas(meta_cols=meta_cols) .rename(columns={"value": x, "unit": "xunit"}) .set_index(YEAR_IDX) .drop("variable", axis=1) ) dfy = ( df.filter(variable=y) .as_pandas(meta_cols=meta_cols) .rename(columns={"value": y, "unit": "yunit"}) .set_index(YEAR_IDX) .drop("variable", axis=1) ) data = dfx.join(dfy, lsuffix="_left", rsuffix="").reset_index() else: # filter, merge with meta, and rename value column to match var var = x if xisvar else y data = ( df.filter(variable=var) .as_pandas(meta_cols=mpl_args_to_meta_cols(df, **kwargs)) .rename(columns={"value": var}) ) # drop nan data.dropna(inplace=True) # create a plotting axes (if not given as kwarg) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # assign styling properties props = assign_style_props(data, **meta_col_args, cmap=cmap) # group data groups = data.dropna().groupby(groupby) # loop over grouped dataframe, plot data legend_data = [] for name, group in groups: pargs = {} labels = [] for key, kind, var in [ ("c", "color", color), ("marker", "marker", marker), ("linestyle", "linestyle", linestyle), ]: if kind in props: label = group[var].values[0] pargs[key] = props[kind][group[var].values[0]] labels.append(repr(label).lstrip("u'").strip("'")) else: pargs[key] = var if len(labels) > 0: legend_data.append(" ".join(labels)) else: legend_data.append(" ".join(name)) kwargs.update(pargs) label = " ".join(group[g].iloc[0] for g in groupby) if with_lines: ax.plot(group[x], group[y], label=label, **kwargs) else: kwargs.pop("linestyle") # scatter() can't take a linestyle ax.scatter(group[x], group[y], label=label, **kwargs) # build legend handles and labels handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if legend_data != [""] * len(legend_data): labels = sorted(list(set(tuple(legend_data)))) idxs = [legend_data.index(d) for d in labels] handles = [handles[i] for i in idxs] if legend is not False: _add_legend(ax, handles, labels, legend) # add labels and title ax.set_xlabel(x) ax.set_ylabel(y) if title: ax.set_title(title) return ax
[docs] def line( # noqa: C901 df, x=None, y="value", order=None, legend=None, title=True, color=None, marker=None, linestyle=None, fill_between=None, final_ranges=None, rm_legend_label=[], ax=None, cmap=None, **kwargs, ): r"""Plot data as lines with or without markers. Parameters ---------- df : :class:`pyam.IamDataFrame`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Data to be plotted x : string, optional The coordinates or column of the data points for the horizontal axis; defaults to the time domain (if `df` is IamDataFrame) or 'year'. y : string, optional The column to use as y-axis order : dict or list, optional The order of lines and the legend as :code:`{<column>: [<order>]}` or a list of columns where ordering should be applied. If not specified, order by :meth:`run_control()['order'][\<column\>] <pyam.run_control>` (where available) or alphabetical. legend : bool or dictionary, optional Include a legend. By default, show legend only if less than 13 entries. If a dictionary is provided, it will be used as keyword arguments in creating the legend. title : bool or string, optional Text to use for the title, display a default if True. color : string, optional A valid matplotlib color or column name. If a column name, common values will be provided the same color. marker : string, optional A valid matplotlib marker or column name. If a column name, common values will be provided the same marker. linestyle : string, optional A valid matplotlib linestyle or column name. If a column name, common values will be provided the same linestyle. fill_between : boolean or dict, optional Fill lines between minima/maxima of the 'color' argument. This can only be used if also providing a 'color' argument. If this is True, then default arguments will be provided to `ax.fill_between()`. If this is a dictionary, those arguments will be provided instead of defaults. final_ranges : boolean or dict, optional Add vertical line between minima/maxima of the 'color' argument in the last period plotted. This can only be used if also providing a 'color' argument. If this is True, then default arguments will be provided to `ax.axvline()`. If this is a dictionary, those arguments will be provided instead of defaults. rm_legend_label : string or list, optional Remove the color, marker, or linestyle label in the legend. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional cmap : string, optional The name of a registered colormap. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.plot`. Returns ------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Modified `ax` or new instance """ # default x-axis to time-col attribute from an IamDataFrame, else use "year" x = x or time_col_or_year(df) # cast to DataFrame if necessary if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): meta_col_args = dict(color=color, marker=marker, linestyle=linestyle) df = df.as_pandas(meta_cols=mpl_args_to_meta_cols(df, **meta_col_args)) # pivot data if asked for explicit variable name variables = df["variable"].unique() if x in variables or y in variables: keep_vars = {x, y} & set(variables) df = df[df["variable"].isin(keep_vars)] idx = list(set(df.columns) - {"value"}) df = ( df.reset_index() .set_index(idx) .value.unstack(level="variable") # df -> series # keep_vars are columns .rename_axis(None, axis=1) # rm column index name .reset_index() .set_index(META_IDX) ) if x != "year" and y != "year": df = df.drop("year", axis=1) # years causes nan's if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # assign styling properties props = assign_style_props( df, color=color, marker=marker, linestyle=linestyle, cmap=cmap ) if fill_between and "color" not in props: raise ValueError("Must use `color` kwarg if using `fill_between`") if final_ranges and "color" not in props: raise ValueError("Must use `color` kwarg if using `final_ranges`") # prepare a dict for ordering, reshape data for use in line_plot idx_cols = list(df.columns.drop(y)) if not isinstance(order, dict): order = {i: None for i in order or idx_cols} df = reshape_mpl(df, x, y, idx_cols, **order) # determine the columns that should go into the legend idx_cols.remove(x) title_cols = [] y_label = None for col in idx_cols: values = get_index_levels(df.columns, col) if len(values) == 1 and col not in [color, marker, linestyle]: if col == "unit" and y == "value": y_label = values[0] elif col == y and col != "value": y_label = values[0] else: if col != "unit": title_cols.append(f"{col}: {values[0]}") if isinstance(df.columns, pd.MultiIndex): df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(col) else: # cannot drop last remaining level, replace by empty list df.columns = [""] # determine index of column name in reshaped dataframe prop_idx = {} for kind, var in [("color", color), ("marker", marker), ("linestyle", linestyle)]: if var is not None and var in df.columns.names: prop_idx[kind] = df.columns.names.index(var) # pop label to avoid multiple values for plot-kwarg label = kwargs.pop("label", None) # plot data, keeping track of which legend labels to apply for col, data in df.items(): # handle case where columns are not strings or only have 1 dimension col = list(map(str, to_list(col))) pargs = {} labels = [] # build plotting args and line legend labels for key, kind, var in [ ("c", "color", color), ("marker", "marker", marker), ("linestyle", "linestyle", linestyle), ]: if kind in props: _label = col[prop_idx[kind]] pargs[key] = props[kind][_label] if kind not in to_list(rm_legend_label): labels.append(repr(_label).lstrip("u'").strip("'")) else: pargs[key] = var kwargs.update(pargs) data = data.dropna() data.plot(ax=ax, label=label or " - ".join(labels if labels else col), **kwargs) if fill_between: _kwargs = {"alpha": 0.25} if fill_between in [True, None] else fill_between data = df.T columns = data.columns # get outer boundary mins and maxes allmins = data.groupby(color).min() intermins = ( data.dropna(axis=1) .groupby(color) .min() # nonan data .reindex(columns=columns) # refill with nans .T.interpolate(method="index") .T # interpolate ) mins = pd.concat([allmins, intermins]).groupby(level=0).min() allmaxs = data.groupby(color).max() intermaxs = ( data.dropna(axis=1) .groupby(color) .max() # nonan data .reindex(columns=columns) # refill with nans .T.interpolate(method="index") .T # interpolate ) maxs = pd.concat([allmaxs, intermaxs]).groupby(level=0).max() # do the fill for idx in mins.index: ymin = mins.loc[idx] ymax = maxs.loc[idx] ax.fill_between( ymin.index, ymin, ymax, facecolor=props["color"][idx], **_kwargs ) # add bars to the end of the plot showing range if final_ranges: # have to explicitly draw it to get the tick labels (these change once # you add the vlines) plt.gcf().canvas.draw() _kwargs = {"linewidth": 2} if final_ranges in [True, None] else final_ranges first = df.index[0] final = df.index[-1] mins = df.T.groupby(color).min()[final] maxs = df.T.groupby(color).max()[final] ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ydiff = ymax - ymin xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() xdiff = xmax - xmin xticks = ax.get_xticks() xlabels = ax.get_xticklabels() # 1.5% increase seems to be ok per extra line extra_space = 0.015 for i, idx in enumerate(mins.index): xpos = final + xdiff * extra_space * (i + 1) _ymin = (mins[idx] - ymin) / ydiff _ymax = (maxs[idx] - ymin) / ydiff ax.axvline( xpos, ymin=_ymin, ymax=_ymax, color=props["color"][idx], **_kwargs ) # for equal spacing between xmin and first datapoint and xmax and last # line ax.set_xlim(xmin, xpos + first - xmin) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels) # build unique legend handles and labels if legend is not False: handles, labels = (np.array(i) for i in ax.get_legend_handles_labels()) if label is not None: # label given explicitly via kwarg _add_legend(ax, handles, labels, legend) else: _, idx = np.unique(labels, return_index=True) idx.sort() _add_legend(ax, handles[idx], labels[idx], legend) # add default labels if possible ax.set_xlabel(x.title()) ax.set_ylabel(y_label or y.title()) # show a default title from columns with a unique value or a custom title if title: ax.set_title(" - ".join(title_cols) if title is True else title) return ax
def _add_legend(ax, handles, labels, legend): if legend is None and len(labels) >= MAX_LEGEND_LABELS:">={MAX_LEGEND_LABELS} labels, not applying legend") else: legend = {} if legend in [True, None] else legend loc = legend.pop("loc", "best") outside = loc.split(" ")[1] if loc.startswith("outside ") else False _legend = OUTSIDE_LEGEND[outside] if outside else dict(loc=loc) _legend.update(legend) ax.legend(handles, labels, **_legend) def set_panel_label(label, ax=None, x=0.05, y=0.9): """Add a panel label to the figure/axes, by default in the top-left corner Parameters ---------- label : str text to be added as panel label ax : matplotlib.Axes, optional panel to which to add the panel label x : number, default 0.05 relative location of label to x-axis y : number, default 0.9 relative location of label to y-axis """ def _lim_loc(lim, loc): return lim[0] + (lim[1] - lim[0]) * loc if ax is not None: ax.text(_lim_loc(ax.get_xlim(), x), _lim_loc(ax.get_ylim(), y), label) else: plt.text(_lim_loc(plt.xlim(), x), _lim_loc(plt.ylim(), y), label)