Source code for pyam.str
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_list_like
REGEXP_CHARACTERS = r".^$+?()[]{}|"
def concat_with_pipe(x, *args, cols=None):
"""Concatenate a list or pandas.Series using ``|``, drop None or numpy.nan"""
if args:
# Guard against legacy-errors when adding `*args` (#778)
# TODO: deprecated, remove for release >= 3.0
for i in args:
if is_list_like(i):
raise DeprecationWarning(f"Please use `cols={i}`.")
x = [x] + list(args)
cols = cols or (x.index if isinstance(x, pd.Series) else range(len(x)))
return "|".join([x[i] for i in cols if x[i] not in [None, np.nan, ""]])
def find_depth(data, s="", level=None):
"""Return or assert the depth (number of ``|``) of variables
data : str or list of strings
IAMC-style variables
s : str, default ''
remove leading `s` from any variable in `data`
level : int or str, optional
If None, return depth (number of ``|``); else, return list of booleans
whether depth satisfies the condition (equality if level is int,
>= if ``.+``, <= if ``.-``)
if is_list_like(level):
raise ValueError(
"Level is only run with ints or strings, not lists. Use strings with "
"integers and + or - to filter by ranges."
if is_str(data):
return _find_depth([data], s, level)[0]
return _find_depth(data, s, level)
def _find_depth(data, s="", level=None):
"""Internal implementation of `find_depth()ยด"""
# remove wildcard as last character from string, escape regex characters
_s = re.compile("^" + escape_regexp(s.rstrip("*")))
_p = re.compile("\\|")
# find depth
def _count_pipes(val):
return len(_p.findall(re.sub(_s, "", val))) if _s.match(val) else None
n_pipes = map(_count_pipes, data if is_list_like(data) else list(data))
# if no level test is specified, return the depth as (list of) int
if level is None:
return list(n_pipes)
# if `level` is given, set function for finding depth level =, >=, <= |s
if not is_str(level):
# test = lambda x: level == x if x is not None else False
def test(x):
return level == x if x is not None else False
elif level[-1] == "-":
level = int(level[:-1])
# test = lambda x: level >= x if x is not None else False
def test(x):
return level >= x if x is not None else False
elif level[-1] == "+":
level = int(level[:-1])
# test = lambda x: level <= x if x is not None else False
def test(x):
return level <= x if x is not None else False
raise ValueError(f"Unknown level type: `{level}`")
return list(map(test, n_pipes))
def get_variable_components(x, level, join=False):
"""Return components for requested level in a list or join these in a str.
x : str
Uses ``|`` to separate the components of the variable.
level : int or list of int
Position of the component.
join : bool or str, optional
If True, IAMC-style (``|``) is used as separator for joined components.
_x = x.split("|")
if join is False:
return [_x[i] for i in level] if is_list_like(level) else _x[level]
level = [level] if isinstance(level, int) else level
join = "|" if join is True else join
return join.join([_x[i] for i in level])
def reduce_hierarchy(x, depth):
"""Reduce the hierarchy (indicated by ``|``) of x to the specified depth
x : str
Uses ``|`` to separate the components of the variable.
depth : int or list of int
Position of the components.
_x = x.split("|")
depth = len(_x) + depth - 1 if depth < 0 else depth
return "|".join(_x[0 : (depth + 1)])
def escape_regexp(s):
"""Escape characters with specific regexp use"""
s = str(s)
s = s.replace(c, "\\" + c)
# pyam uses `*` as wildcard, replace with `.*` for regex
s = s.replace("*", ".*")
return s
def is_str(x):
"""Returns True if x is a string"""
return isinstance(x, str)